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Real Estate

5 sectors of H.E.I.R-A

In comparison to other geographical areas of the world, real estate investments in Mother Africa lag greatly by global standards. Key challenges and issues associated with the marginal investments include but are not limited to, the lack or marginal levels of trust from suitable stakeholders, insignificant documentation, and the necessary knowledge of structures and tools to maximize opportunities.

Healthcarecreate opportunities for the private sector to invest in sub-country hospitals with a typical size of 50-70 beds to reach a wider catchment in African communities.


Educationprovide greater access to basic education through the investment and construction of educational facilities, improve and rehabilitate existing facilities, and place increasing focus on the education of girls.


 Infrastructurefocus on population growth, drought, security concerns, and rapid urbanization coupled with falling government revenues to increase spending on infrastructure required by almost all African countries, particularly in areas of housing, clean water, access to schooling, and access to the internet and other mobile communications.


Agriculturehelp secure land rights for farmers, particularly by enhancing the asset base of those, such as women, whose land rights are often neglected, which will improve the conditions of the poor in terms of economic growth, agricultural production, food security, natural resource management, gender-related inequalities, conflict management, and local governance processes.

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